Assistance League of Laguna Beach grant to Collaborative Court Drug Court provided scholarships for participants

On Thursday, Jan. 22, Assistance League of Laguna Beach President Judy Soulakis presented two Collaborative Court Drug Court participants with scholarships. The scholarships were funded by the $20,000 grant given to the Collaborative Courts Foundation (CCF) by the Assistance League. The Foundation is a local nonprofit whose mission is to promote the success of participants in the Orange County Collaborative Courts programs. The grant was designated for assisting participants in meeting transportation, medical, dental, vision, and education needs.
Kathy Burnham, CCF Executive Director, arranged for Assistance League members to meet with Honorable Matthew Anderson, Judge of the Superior Court, Harbor Justice Center, Newport Beach, in his chambers before attending his Drug Court session. The session included the presentation of scholarships to Chris Grant and Michelle Cleary, progress reports given by Drug Court participants and their teams, and the graduation of a participant after successful completion of a rigorous two-year Drug Court program.