adult drug court support programs

Drug Court is a court-supervised treatment program for non-violent offenders whose criminal conduct is directly attributable to a substance abuse problems.  Drug Court requires the participant to plead guilty and then begin 18 months of drug testing, counseling and weekly appearances in the court.   Participants are required to reside in a sober living environment and either be fully employed or a full time student.  They are monitored by Health Care, Probation and the Court.  Participants are held strictly accountable for their actions and may be placed in custody for violating program requirements. We provide:

Bus passes for participants to attend Court, counseling sessions, work and/or school

Funds for emergency dental and medical care that is critical for obtaining employment or attending school

Free vision-care through the LensCrafters Gift of Sight Program

Interim emergency housing

Employment workshops and activities that help restore positive relationships with family and friends

Cary’s Story

I am 2792643, I am a328326. I am a heroin addict, I am an alcoholic, I am a felon, I am a criminal, I am a menace to society, I am Cary M. and today, I complete drug court.

For the past 10 years I have been chasing death, like the late summer nights chase after the crisp kiss of autumn’s foreshadowed changes.  Running at its heels, tormenting and tempting him to dare to turn around to face me.  For the past 10 years I robbed my family and anyone that ever loved me of anything and everything that mattered most to them, from my friends, I robbed friendship and trust. From my family I robbed time, I robbed love, I robbed dignity and comfort…


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Why Drug Court?

The Drug Courts were featured on CNN’s Piers Morgan Live with guest host Matthew Perry. Joining Matthew Perry was National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) CEO West Huddleston. Mr. Huddleston explained to the audience what Drug Courts are, how they work, and why they are successful.  

“75% of our graduates never see another pair of handcuffs… but that doesn’t tell the entire story. We cut crime in half compared to jail or prisons… and that saves taxpayers a ton of money.”