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How you can help

The Foundation uses volunteers and existing public/ private resources to maximize participant services and ensure that donors receive full value for their contributions. All donations are tax deductible.

Imagine yourself or a loved one in a state of desperation – existing under circumstances you never dreamed would touch your life.

A soldier, returned from the battlefield, unable to fit neatly back into civil society as though he had never witnessed the events that fill his mind. Lost now. Changed.

A young woman, still in her teens, having escaped from her abuser – but to what?  Hiding. Homeless. Hungry. And still afraid.

A patient whose mental disorder leaves him only partly grounded in reality. Unable to function in any reliable way.

All headed in the wrong direction. All caught up in the legal system without the tools to cope. Unequipped to deal with the process or better their chances… unless someone helps.  Help is here.


Cash donations can be identified for specific areas of focus or to support all Collaborative Courts programs and services. Donations are used to fund programs, provide educational assistance and interim housing, and to purchase medical and dental services, medications, medical supplies, public transportation vouchers, and other participant-specific needs.  The Courts verify the financial condition of participants so that funds are utilized for the most economically disadvantaged people without other options for support.

Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

ID# 22-3941228